Parkhaus Balcó del Mediterrani
Rambla Nova, s/n 4.4
Details zur Reservierung
Kostenlose Stornierung
Änderungen/Stornierungen können bis zu 1 Stunde vor der Ankunftszeit vorgenommen werden.
Öffnungszeiten des Parkhauses
24 Stunden am Tag geöffnetDetails
- 2.3m
Do you want to park in the centre of Tarragona during your next visit? Whether you're on holiday or just wanting to spend a few hours there with your car, you're in luck, because now you do all this by parking your car in the Balcó del Mediterrani car park.
It's a covered and guarded car park on the Rambla Nova in Tarragona, one of the main streets of the city, which leads to the Balcó del Mediterrani. This is a symbolic viewpoint of the city that you must visit, without a doubt. It's located at the end of the Rambla, just two minutes from the car park, and offers spectacular views of the Mediterranean, from which it gets its name. But before you lose yourself in these views, why not go for a drink in one of the many bars on the Rambla? Even if the idea comes to you later in the day, and you want to go at night, you should know that the Balcó del Mediterrani car park is open 24 hours, so you can always join in the fun at the minute.
If you want a more cultural plan, this will also be good for you, because the car park is close to Tarragona Amphitheatre and the Roman Circus, just 6 minutes away on foot. And if you want to walk a little further, you can go to Tarragona Cathedral. Forget your parking worries in Tarragona and enjoy the city ;)
Garantierter Parkplatz Parkplatz mit maximal zulässiger Höhe (2.3m) Flexible Einfahrtszeiten Zugänglich für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Bewegung 24h-Service Überdacht Bewacht
Wie man dorthin kommt
Rambla Nova 36Anweisungen
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Parkhaus Balcó del Mediterrani: Meinungen
Basierend auf 19 Meinungen